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Screen Specific Support
Inbox / View All Messages Screen
Can I email directly to the transaction?
Can I forward messages into the inHere transaction?
Can I incorporate text messages or emails into my inHere transaction?
Message Screen
How do I save a document down to my phone or tablet?
There is an error in a document. What do I do?
Can I edit documents inHere?
Can I make comments in a document?
Can I sign documents inHere?
Can I share documents?
Main / Home Screen
Will I be notified of who is doing the closing?
How do I respond/reply to a message?
What milestones are available for my transactions?
Search Screen
Are there any integrations with other platforms?
Can I move the information from my inHere app into my transaction management platform?
Can I delete a transaction?
What happens to a transaction that gets cancelled?
How can I filter my transactions?
How can I search for transactions?
Login Screen
What do you do with my data?
I have questions about your user terms/privacy policy.
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